Friday, April 15, 2005
Peak Oil Transformation Task Force
Of course, these were exchanges with people who already accept Peak Oil as reality. It would seem that being at that point is a prerequisite to planning ahead. To accept the need to consider Peak Oil's fallout first requires understanding which in turn calls for an education campaign. It has been suggested that I hold a contest for a name superior to Peak Oil Transformation Task Force. Send me your best ideas and we'll see.
As a matter of strategizing the development of an educational campaign, it also must be considered that too many ideas at once can be distracting and counterproductive. With that in mind, I'll mention just one more element that came out of my recent conversations. There will need to be multiple messages for any given concept, specifically created in acknowledgment that for some people it is meant to break them out of denial while for others it must make sense of cognitive dissonance.
With the No Confidence Resolution and the Voter Confidence Committee in high gear I will not be diverting my time to the pursuit of this task force. However, the topic will extend ruthless honesty and apply it to ordinary community interactions. The informal first phase of the education campaign, in other words, must begin by each of us doing the least we can do - talk to one other person about it.
I also just discovered the Peak Oil Blog. It is on hiatus until mid-April but the last entry, dated March 20, contains a transcript of Maryland Congressman Roscoe Bartlett addressing Congress on Peak Oil. Bartlett's website has video.