Monday, April 11, 2005

Logan Dake Discrimination Hearing Set for April 26

Former City of Eureka maintenance worker Logan Dake will have his discrimination complaint heard by the Labor Commission on April 26. In a story first reported exclusively by GuvWurld on December 13, 2004, Logan discussed the terms under which he was dismissed by the City, ostensibly for his private and protected use of medical marijuana. GuvWurld has always openly stated its mission as advocacy journalism and from the start of this saga has called for Logan's job to be restored with back pay. The Eureka Times-Standard eventually ran a news piece on Logan's plight on February 13, 2005.

Earlier tonight, Logan suggested his situation had grown stronger. "The Labor Commission doesn't bring cases forward unless they have evidence," said Logan, "and in this case there is no defense against the evidence. Californians can't be fired for doctor-approved cannabis used off the clock."

Logan expects that the result of the hearing will be one or more rounds of settlement talks. "I don't want to hurt my city," Logan has declared repeatedly in requests to City Councilmembers who he hoped would intervene to spare the City the expense of a defense, let alone a settlement.

The Labor Commission's hearing will be at 619 2nd Street, Room 109, in Eureka, starting at 8:30am on April 26. The meeting is closed to the public.



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