Saturday, December 25, 2004
Rumsfeld Reveals Flight 93 Shot Down Over PA
"And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten -- indeed the word "terrorized" is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be."This is at least the second Rumsfeld gaffe exposing the phony 9/11 myth. This Department of Defense transcript from Oct. 12, 2001 includes Rumsfeld's admission that a missile hit the Pentagon.
"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed [sic] with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them."Above, [sic] indicates where I believe the word "filed" was actually supposed to be "filled." Ironically, if using the above mentioned CTRL-F function, searching for "filed" (without the quotes) will take you right to the relevant passage.