Friday, December 24, 2004

Resolutions Passed By Electors in VT, MA

As GuvWurld reported on Sunday, duly recognized members of the Electoral College have joined the discussion of election fraud in a meaningful way.

In Massachusetts, electors unanimously passed the following resolution:
We believe that as electors we have a unique opportunity and obligation to insure that justice does not again become so delayed as to be denied. We call on the Congress of the United States and most especially our own honorable representatives, the members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to:
1. Act to commit Congress to investigate all voting complaints that might have any validity that they receive.
2. Act to commit Congress to remedy any voting rights violations or electoral fraud verified by its own agents or through the courts.
3. File in Congress and commit their resources to passage of systematic remedies.
And in Vermont, electors passed the following (formatting by GuvWurld):
WHEREAS our democracy depends on fair elections; and

WHEREAS troubling questions have been raised about the integrity of Ohio's 2004 presidential election by many members of Congress; and

WHEREAS the Ohio vote was marred by significant irregularities, discrepancies, anomalies and other problems as disclosed by US Representative John Conyers, and a number of members of the House Judiciary Committee and elsewhere in the Congress, and

WHEREAS the Government Accounting Office is undertaking a systematic and comprehensive review of election irregularities in Ohio, Florida, New Mexico and certain other states, the Congress having received about 57,000 complaints about voting machine breakdowns, inaccuracies, intimidation, suppression and other and similar violations of voter rights, and

WHEREAS unequal and discriminatory voter access and treatment, as may have occurred in Ohio and elsewhere, violate the Equal Protection guarantee of the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment and would call into question the validity of Elector certification from Ohio and certain other states under the Electoral Count Act (3 USC S5) and the teachings of Bush v. Gore, and as a result the Congress could decide that Elector votes from Ohio and certain other states were not "regularly given" by properly certified Electors under the Act (3 USC S15), and

WHEREAS the Congress could determine the validity of Electoral college votes from Ohio and certain other states following receipt by the Senate President of Objections from at least one member of the house and one member of the Senate, and

WHEREAS as citizens and Electors, we are committed to fair elections and equal voting rights for all,

THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that that [sic] Senators Jeffords and Leahy and Representative Sanders
(1) give due and sufficient consideration to the results of the ongoing investigation of voting irregularities in Ohio's 2004 presidential election;

(2) support the GAO's inquiry into and review of thousands of reports of systemic and other 2004 voting and election deficiencies;

(3) sponsor or otherwise support legislation
(a) mandating paper records, trails, or backups for all absentee ballots under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA),

(b) uniform rules for the issuance and tabulation of provisional and absentee ballots under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), and

(c) sufficient funding for full and fair implementation of HAVA; and
(4) if warranted by evidence of widespread violations of voter constitutional rights in the 2004 election in Ohio and certain other states, as now appears, under 3 U.S.C S15 on the ground that such Electoral certifications are invalid and that, as a result, these Electoral votes were not regularly given by qualified, legal elections."



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